Friday, August 20, 2010

Still sick

Friday, August 20, 2010
Feeling far better but still coughing up phlegm and sniffling. Weird! I am never sick. However, I'm not getting a lot more sleep like I should be either. Close to 7 hours each week night. I take my vitamins twice daily most of the time. I must drink *more* water. Coffee is a good friend right now. :)

I'll be starting back at karate tomorrow - after 10 weeks of inactivity! I find the walk to and from work (at either end of my train commute) noticeable in increased movement.

I can feel 'stitching' going on in my lower abdomen. Funny/new sensation - probably brought on by me moving around much more now.

On a special note, my brother Rollie, the baby of the family, would have been 37 years old today.

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.