Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 weeks post-op

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Starting to feel better, healthy. Work is seeming more like normal. Picking up where I left off.

Karate is good, sleep is getting better.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Karate.... hiiiii-yaaaaaa!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
It was so good to be back at karate. I helped teach the first 2 classes and participated in and instructed in the last two. I did some ab work as well and decent stretching so I'm off to a good start. It was light training and I did feel tired but I have been nothing but sedentary for so long so I'm trying to take it slow. Brittany helped at the store and did some training too.

After, we shared homemade lasagna, pizza, wine and fruit salad at our Sensei's place wit him and his girlfriend, Morana. Brittany didn't have any wine. She's 17 and says it tastes like cough syrup. ;)

I was so sleepy when we got home, I ended up watching Spiderman 2 on TV (recorded) then decided I'm not going to bed at 6 p.m. Saturday night so make some coffee. Everybody else is out of the house.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Still sick

Friday, August 20, 2010
Feeling far better but still coughing up phlegm and sniffling. Weird! I am never sick. However, I'm not getting a lot more sleep like I should be either. Close to 7 hours each week night. I take my vitamins twice daily most of the time. I must drink *more* water. Coffee is a good friend right now. :)

I'll be starting back at karate tomorrow - after 10 weeks of inactivity! I find the walk to and from work (at either end of my train commute) noticeable in increased movement.

I can feel 'stitching' going on in my lower abdomen. Funny/new sensation - probably brought on by me moving around much more now.

On a special note, my brother Rollie, the baby of the family, would have been 37 years old today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

9 weeks post-op

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Feeling pretty good this week. The transition back has been fairly seamless. Lots of work to do and mostly I'm just picking up where I left off. I enjoy my job and it's exciting to be back at work!

I have been arriving early (630-830am arrivals) and *trying* to leave by 530pm. I need to schedule bedtime earlier though. I need more sleep.

Sleep is my friend. My husband, even before the surgery, referred to 'sleep' as my mistress. Now, it has become my second husband. :)

Sleep is so rejuvenating. Sleep heals. Health and recovery has been found in sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. I managed to maintain my sanity in the hospital due to the amount of sleep I got there. It was largely interrupted sleep, however, because I was simply lying in bed all the time, I was able to easily doze randomly. Not as easily accomplished outside that setting.

Sleep is much of what I need for improved health anyway even without having had surgery. I need to make it a point to get more sleep.


Monday, August 16, 2010


Monday, August 16, 2010

I am working from home today. I was feeling a bit run-down after last week. Even Friday, at the hotel where my husband and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary I was physically ill!

Saturday I just felt extremely fatigued and Sunday was a little more of the same with some nausea. So today, I opted to work from home.

My throat is a dry and I occasionally cough but the main thing is my low energy.

I read from different sources that fatigue could last a year. I find that ridiculous! I think I have just been doing too much too soon... I immediately went back to my regular routine - jam-packed weekends included. That's too much.

Plus I need to focus on getting adequate sleep. I almost got 8 hours last night. I need that. Six to seven is insufficient. I'm sure I will suffer if I don't work at it.

8 weeks post-op

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Today I start back to work! I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am up by 6 a.m. and walking into the office by 8. I only have a 3-day work week so it shouldn't be too bad.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7 weeks post-op

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I'm scheduled to return to work in 1 week! I am looking forward to getting back into a regular routine... not one of being laid up and healing although it has been fantastic to have the time to do just that.

I still have some numbness in the surgical area and can "feel" it when I move around too much but I am otherwise feeling very much back to 'normal'.

I will be starting karate again in a couple of weeks as well but my surgeon suggested to take it slow... just like it is something new because I have not been active whatsoever and literally very sedentary for weeks! Walking any great distances does not yet appeal to me, I prefer to stay close to home but I don't have any issues getting up from the couch anymore, nor do I want to be firmly planted on a couch any longer!

I will be nicely wrapping up the next 7 days of 'recovery' and starting work with a new lease on life!

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.