Sunday, May 15, 2016

Recognition Event

May 15, 2016

I've helped host over 20 blood donor clinics for employees at my company. The blood services rep that I work with nominated me for an annual recognition event. Last week I was called by Gillian Magnus, the Chair of the event in Ottawa, and invited to attend as I was one of 5 selected in the blood donor category. She explained the Life Blood Committee read my story and found it very inspiring.

This is the 17th annual recognition event, and includes 8 other categories such as stem cells, volunteers, peer recruiters, organ donors, and partners for a total of 25 individuals attending. It's all expenses paid! 

September 11, 2016 I'll be attending a Meet and Greet at Hotel Indigo where I'll be staying. September 12, 2016 a Welcome Breakfast, Guided Tour, tour of head office lab, formal reception / gala dinner with awards presentation where I'll be called on stage and presented with a token of recognition. Return home September 13th. I can invite a guest to stay with me, and attend the evening event. Gillian's assistant Beverly will email me the arrangements, and send a brochure. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

48 weeks post-op!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Special Commemorative Post

This weekend, May 21st marks 10 years since my brother Rollie gave new life to 2 women and 3 men with the use of his organs. The women, 10 years ago, were 18 and 23 and received both his kidneys. I wonder how they are today. Do the men still see well and what about the man with the heart? He would be 59 this year.

At this special milestone, I feel like I should do something in memory of Rollie. Yes. I donated my kidney... Other than donate a lobe of my liver (maybe when I'm 50) what more can I do? There never seems to be enough ways to show our loss to the world. To show how much we cared for Rollie and how much we miss him. There is no way we can ever know or see what could have been with our brother in our lives. He attended Bonnie's wedding but not mine nor Jackie's. He only knew his niece Riah, but not his nephew Hunter nor his youngest niece Kyra. He never knew a wife nor children. And he never knew that I parented my husband's children during an important stage of my life. He had a cat but never had a dog. He has many cousins, aunts and uncles, and *lots* of friends who remain on Earth not knowing how or where he really is right now... Is he looking down on us, realizing our every move, knowing our thoughts and understanding that we all cared so deeply for him?

Is Rollie just laughing, teasing, jesting about our time here while he is taking it easy, enjoying what is to come? No wet springs and cold winters for him! The first winter without him I knew he wouldn't miss shoveling snow! We would have shoveled the drive-way for him... But that's what he did. He was the handyman for my parents. They were 67 and 62 when their only son passed. Ten years later they are elderly and can't get around like they used to. Dad rarely speaks of him - it's far too painful. And I can always hear the sadness in Mom's voice - it comes straight from her heart.

I don't think I would have appreciated my brother as much if it were not for his accident. I probably wouldn't have appreciated my sisters, my parents, my friends as much either. I think I am a more sensitive, emotional person because of Rollie. I think I am a *better* person too. *

I found some great quotes by the awesome Helen Keller:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart.

I seldom think of my limitations, and they never make me sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times; but it is vague, like a breeze among flowers.

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence.

Everyone, please have a safe long weekend.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

43 weeks post-op!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I'm as strong as ever before!

I'm grateful for my life and all the opportunities afforded to me. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my health.

I did a trial class of yoga and core conditioning with Katya from work a couple weeks ago.

"Killer Katya" teaches it and arranged to host a 6-week session at our workplace -- Yoga for 60 minutes on Tuesdays and 45 minutes of Core Conditioning on Thursdays. I'm on Week Two!

I could really feel my muscles - I was sore all over! I have great expectations for change. I've felt so weak up until the new year when I finally found the energy to be more active so regained some stamina. Now I feel I can push myself a bit more.

I still have some numb areas and I feel tingly sessions or something like phantom pain though it's not actually pain per se... It's nothing to prevent me from moving or doing.

I donated blood for the 75th time last month. My daughter donated for the third time and now her cousin wants to start giving blood so the three of us will all to together next month.

I've spent 6 weekends full of karate in 2011 so far for officiating as I'm really enjoying it. I'll be able to put into practice my full provincial license next weekend at Karate Ontario Grand Prix #1 and work towards earning my full Karate Canada national license. A plan in the works.

Happy Spring, All!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

40 weeks post-op!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I feel great! After recovering from the flu and fatigue in the New Year 2011, I have never felt better. I enjoy family, karate, work, my dogs and life!

My (step) daughter is doing very well in second semester of grade 12, her final year of high school and anticipating hearing back from her university choices in a month or so after mid-terms. We bought a prom dress for her together and we toured University of Guelph one day on March break to get a feel of where she'll probably be for the next 6 years! :)

I left my family and the dogs to survive without me for 6 days just last week for the karate national championships in St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. I earned the other half of my entry-level national referee license, specifically I have Judge B in both kata and kumite. It will be 3 years minimum to earn a full national officiating license. That is a new goal of mine so I have specific shorter-term goals to focus on in the next few months in regards to karate.

I spoke with a fellow official from BC (Phil) who told me about a 'meal replacement' type product. I don't think I'll focus on it as a business but rather something to help propel me forward faster in regards to reducing body fat percentage. I need to check out the website.

Back to work! Lots to keep me busy. Feeling good! Hope you are too. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

34 weeks post-op

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Life is good. I'm healthy and wise. :) Only rarely am I reminded by my body that I've had surgery. Only when I put forth bodily effort I can feel something inside. Unidentifiable but something. The only reminder and only sometimes... but a reminder of what? Should I always remember? Is it because I should be careful? Watch I don't push too hard... or really, doesn't it mean I should push harder if it is no longer a challenge?

After recovering from the flu and fatigue last month, I feel like I'm finally, truly on the mend. November/December displayed great progress as far as energy and no longer really having physical 'strains' or limitations but then the holidays hit and even more stresses than typically come with it.

I partied too much one night that I didn't seem to fully recover from until a month later; my plans changed abruptly from driving 1500 km in each direction for the holidays to dealing with our tenants moving out of the condo; having it painted throughout immediately after Christmas and deciding to move back to the condo then have to move/downsize while 3 of us got taken down by the flu. A lot to deal with the last 2 weeks of 2010.

In regards to the 'partying', I think my tolerance level has changed drastically. I bought a bottle of red wine last week and it took me 4 evenings to finish it. Not typical of me! But I was explaining to my husband that after 1 drink it almost feels like it's after the effects of 3 or 4 drinks have started to wear off where one may not feel so good. Almost hung-over, almost 'sick' feeling or run-down. Very strange. I guess I should think of that as a positive thing. I'm not drinking as much as I used to and when I do it affects me more quickly so I'm a cheap drunk. :)

I am being challenged in karate more (again) too which I love.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 weeks post-op

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Thirty Weeks since surgery!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Influenza aka "the flu"

My husband came home early one day last week and crawled into bed. He was chilled and feverish. Wonderful timing, we're moving!

The next day of course I picked up what he had and spent December 30th and 31st under the covers, chilled but sweating profusely. I've had the flu before but this time I feel like death warmed over.

Amazingly, my family managed to move appliances and some other big things by end of New Year's Eve. There is still a lot to do... we are still spread out over 3 residences. The dogs are wondering what is going on but hopefully that will get sorted this weekend.

In the meantime, I broke down and got some Buckley's Mucous and Phlegm because I cannot keep food down from coughing so much. At this rate, I'm sure to loose a lung.

I'm sleep-deprived, restless and stressed! What a way to start the New Year.

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

My photo
I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.