Thursday, August 27, 2009

Living Donor Paired Exchange Registry

I signed consent to participate in the Living Donor Paired Exchange (LDPE) Registry today!

My husband accompanied me to see Dr. Richardson. He says he is not a surgeon but rather a medical doctor (aka academic expert on kidneys) who analyzes results, makes recommendations and provides information about being a kidney donor and recipient.

To start things off, I'm in EXCELLENT health! Dr. Richardson said my cholesterol is perfect, my blood pressure is excellent, my filtration system (how my kidneys deal with water and waste) is excellent - numbers are far above "normal" and that my kidneys work equally 50/50. My heart is in good working order and since my blood type is O, I am able to give to anybody. After reviewing pages and pages of my 'donor file', explaining various things to us then examining a fresh urine sample, checking my pulse, blood pressure (120 over 70), taking deep breaths as he listened inside my chest, he says "You're Accepted". YAY!!!!

I am so happy! :)

Dr. Richardson explained the 2 surgery options and highly recommends, if possible, I go for the Laparoscopic Surgery since although it is 3-4 hours instead of 2 hours for the traditional surgery, it is far less invasive so recovery time is quicker and I'll experience less pain and scarring. After his explanation that there are 3 small incisions in front near my belly button (1 for a camera, 2 for instruments) then 1 further below the lower abs for extraction (where they only split the muscle rather than cut all the way through), it certainly sounds like Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy is the best surgery for me. It also means I will definitely be donating my left kidney. (Whenever I thought about the surgery, my senses always veered to the left; I had a feeling it'd be the left kidney for some reason or other.)

I met with Michael the Transplant Coordinator afterward who was told by Dr. Richardson that I should only get the laparoscopic surgery however Michael couldn't make any guarantees. The doctor felt I should be considered with the highest priority and honour my wishes as best they can. There are 2 hospitals that do not offer this particular surgery so I guess it will depend on where the recipient is.

After some information exchange with the coordinator and reading the forms, I signed my consent then went to the Diagnostic Test Centre to give a blood sample to be officially entered into the LDPE registry.

I was told that possibly end of September I will need to have more blood work to ensure a tissue match with the potential recipient but then it'll be another 2 or 2½ months before the actual surgery.

Live Donor Laparoscopic Transplant

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About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.