Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 weeks post-op

It's Tuesday, June 29, 2010. I had a bit of a rough weekend (from Friday till Sunday) so I planned to take it easy and I did. I was sore in my lower abdomen and took a pain pill regularly. Eating, drinking, having to go to the bathroom and even menstruating causes pressure and discomfort.

Unfortunately yesterday I had made the mistake of not getting a coffee. I'd been drinking strong stuff all week then WHAM! The caffeine withdrawal triggered a migraine. I had gone to bed around 3 p.m. because food didn't help and woke around 4:30 p.m. with a excruciating pain in the right side of my head. I took 2 pain pills instead of the usual one but within 20 minutes I was in tears. I got out of bed and got my husband to take me with him. I felt better once out in some fresh air and sunshine by the lake.

I do not walk long nor far yet. I still find when I move around too much I feel it soon after and/or the next day.

Today, I feel better but decided to take it easy. I managed to get somebody from work to troubleshoot my work laptop so it's functional now. I installed Microsoft Office on the home desktop. I did some budgeting but don't have the energy to do much else.

I had a nice conversation with my Sensei and contemplated life some.

The television is free so I think I'll plant myself on the sofa; so little else to do and I'm really starting to feel sleepy. Tomorrow is another day with good intentions. :)

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About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.