Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 weeks post-op

It's Tuesday, June 29, 2010. I had a bit of a rough weekend (from Friday till Sunday) so I planned to take it easy and I did. I was sore in my lower abdomen and took a pain pill regularly. Eating, drinking, having to go to the bathroom and even menstruating causes pressure and discomfort.

Unfortunately yesterday I had made the mistake of not getting a coffee. I'd been drinking strong stuff all week then WHAM! The caffeine withdrawal triggered a migraine. I had gone to bed around 3 p.m. because food didn't help and woke around 4:30 p.m. with a excruciating pain in the right side of my head. I took 2 pain pills instead of the usual one but within 20 minutes I was in tears. I got out of bed and got my husband to take me with him. I felt better once out in some fresh air and sunshine by the lake.

I do not walk long nor far yet. I still find when I move around too much I feel it soon after and/or the next day.

Today, I feel better but decided to take it easy. I managed to get somebody from work to troubleshoot my work laptop so it's functional now. I installed Microsoft Office on the home desktop. I did some budgeting but don't have the energy to do much else.

I had a nice conversation with my Sensei and contemplated life some.

The television is free so I think I'll plant myself on the sofa; so little else to do and I'm really starting to feel sleepy. Tomorrow is another day with good intentions. :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

1 week after getting home from the hospital after donor kidney surgery

It's Friday, June 25, 2010. I feel fine but tired. I haven't taken any pain medication or stool softeners. I had a BM when I got out of bed.

I woke at 7:40 a.m. to wait for a Bell technician to arrive this morning between 8 a.m. and Noon. He arrived at 9 a.m. and was helpful but didn't solve the problem of my work laptop being able to connect to the internet. I'm not connecting to the network to work yet but I have lost internet capability on my work machine. I have to contact work. :( Coincidentally, my workplace is moving to another building (next door) and yesterday and today people were to work from home. Today, they finish setting up all the desks in the new place then hook up the network (flip the switch) in the new place on the weekend. I don't know yet what is going on.

I am reading some of a Women's Health magazine today (that the ladies at Points gave me) and watching the live FIFA game. Brazil vs. Portgual. I think I'll route for Portugal.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1 week post-op (summary of my 1st week)

It's Tuesday, June 22, 2010. My appetite for food is very low right now. I hadn't eaten in 72 hours and hadn't had water for 36 hours (they only gave me ice chips after surgery until the next day). At first the problem with eating and drinking too much was that they were worried I'd feel nauseous (that never happened once fortunately!) but later it was because it put a lot of pressure on my torso/chest.

Because of the laparoscopic procedure, they pumped air into me so that they could maneuver around in my torso but when they stitched me up some of that air remained. I anticipated that I'd experience it, I just never knew what to expect and to be honest I had one bout of 'gas pain' that was one of the most painful experiences I ever had - that was 5 a.m. the next morning after surgery and I had just moved around a bit more than I had been I guess and that prompted the 'gas' to push out again my chest - oh, the pain! I groaned out in agony and the nurse heard me and arrived before I could even push the button to call her. I had also hit the morphine drip just beforehand which only activates every 5 minutes so I had to 'breathe it out'.

Later the gas felt like sharp pains in my shoulder bones or chest. They don't want anything to happen to donors so they gave me x-rays and an ECG again to be sure that's what it was but assured me it was just the gas. Only time, breathing deeply (I have this little breathing machine contraption to use) and walking will work it out. It seems to be all out now but I still kinda feel bloated...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010 - Day 2

I have been waking up all through the night but have been relatively "comfortable" other than my back which aches from lying down for so long.

Then around 5 a.m. I must have shifted in bed a bit too much.

I woke up moaning in agony! I had just hit the morphine drip (can only do so every 5 minutes). The night nurse heard me before I managed to hit the button to call for her. Two of them came in and because I was so comfortable until then they weren't sure what was happening but finally determined it was gas pain.

I'd like to point out that by 'gas' I don't mean in my bowels (there is *nothing* in my bowels). It's the air they had to pump into me for the laparoscopic procedure that is trapped inside my body. The only way it comes out is with time, really.

The nurses said all I could do was breathe through it. I outstretched my chest like I wanted it to open up to escape. It was so painful! Finally I could hit the morphine again but it takes a few minutes to kick in. That was the worst bout of pain ever! I proceeded to make every effort to do what I can to not experience that again. Walking will help (but I wouldn't do that for 2 more days).

Along with breathing deeply as much as I could myself, the nurse increased my oxygen to alleviate the discomfort.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010 - Day 1 (surgery) - Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy

1. Was up until 1:30 a.m. Had the alarm set for 4:28 a.m. because we had to be at the hospital for 6. Can you believe I had my cell phone on silent and just *happened* to wake up at 5:22 a.m.! Frantically, my husband and I got up and drove downtown Toronto and arrived exactly at 6 a.m. Whew!

2. Checked-in; de-robed and got to wear a couple of hospital gowns and pair of disposable slippers. Several nurses come to prep me.

3. Surgery at 8 a.m. I'm wheeled down a few halls into a large, chilly Operating Room. Looking up from flat on my back I see those huge lights above me ready to illuminate my body for surgery and I feel a pang of nervousness. The O.R. nurse, Julie, is helpful and kind. She gives me a mask to breathe into deeply. I take several - nothing seems to be happ...

4. I awake! I can't remember if I wake up in a recovery room first then my room or just my hospital room. It is very fuzzy. My husband has waited the whole time. Apparently the surgery took a little longer than expected because I have intricate blood vessels or something so they needed more time. Also recovery was a couple of hours but my husband saw me around 2 p.m.

5. My husband returns a couple hours later with our daughter. She happily snaps photos which she kindly shares with our Facebook world. :) I feel like I can get up and walk. The nurse says I can't right now but I've been lying for several hours and I start to feel uncomfortable.

6. No nausea whatsoever. I'm on an I.V. for fluids and pain medication (morphine). They will only give me ice chips. I'm *so* thirsty!

My Photo Journal

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14, 2010 - Final Countdown!

I will be checking into Toronto General Hospital at 6 a.m. tomorrow. I am not nervous yet but running out of time to do all the things I won't be able to do after tomorrow (for a few weeks anyway).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010 - Final Blood Tests

Work in Progress....

Did another ECG and gave 18 viles of blood before meeting with a pharmacist, a swab nurse, another nurse who discussed the anesthesia with me and then the anesthesiologist.

More juicy details soon!

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.