Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A new surgeon?

I just got a call from Sherry, my transplant coordinator assistant. She said there will be a minor change. I got worried for a second. A major change would be that the surgery was rescheduled - again.

The minor change is that I will be getting a new surgeon, possibly. She wanted to change my surgeon so that I would get a laparascopic surgery. "WHAT?!", I said to her. I was not told that it *wouldn't* be laparascopic! She says, "So this is good news." Yes, yes, it is! My goodness, I have not even prepared for the possibility it would be the 'traditional' slice-open-my-left-side and take out the kidney. Ugh! Laparascopic is the way to go!!

The kidney expert with whom I consulted at the end of last summer, Dr. Richardson, suggested that I adamantly request for laparascopic; that if I am doing this donation altruistically that I deserve the 'elite' operation. I expressed my preference at least twice to Michael Garrels, the transplant coordinator so I just assumed that that was the way it would be. He never said it was a sure thing. He said he would try. So Sherry is trying! She was about to give me the new surgeon's name but said she had jumped the gun and first had to speak with Michael. But that's OK. Go, Sherry. Get my laparascopic surgeon. I prefer 4 little incisions over 1 big one! Please and Thank you!

Just this morning I was going over in my mind what my recovery would be like. Maybe it is positive thinking but I really feel after 3 weeks I should be fairly functional again. I mean as far as my job goes, which I can do from home. If I get sliced open recovery will definitely be much longer. I really, really want the more advanced method. Yes, the actual surgery takes an extra hour... but what will I care, I'll be snoozing.

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.