Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good New and Bad News

I just spoke with the transplant coordinator Michael Garrels (x 5889).

He said the good news is that the cross match test I did last week came back negative. There were no reactions from the recipient and this is the most sensitive test they can do for compatibility.

The bad news is that there have been further delays in performing the transplant surgeries. The new date will now be sometime at the end of March 2010.

I asked a few more questions even though I've heard all this before... but basically there are 3 pairs in my match group. I am the one responsible for starting the domino effect effectively giving 3 recipients a kidney. The respective loved ones of 2 recipients are also donors then the remaining recipient comes from the deceased donor list to close off the chain reaction.

It all sounds great although now I have to wait 3 more months...

In the meantime, I've connected with a fantastic role model, Macey Leigh! (I am biased, we share the name "Leigh"). She's in fantastic shape as she competes in fitness competitions and is big on health but more interestingly and importantly she's an advocate for organ donation and particularly living kidney donors - she is a living kidney donor!

Here is her main website: Macey Leigh

Waiting on information from another province

I spoke with Sherry this morning and there is no news yet. Toronto General is ready to go but with my group of donors/recipients apparently they're still waiting on information before any coordinator can be done on this end.

There were 2 match runs done and mine involves 1 or 2 other provinces. I left a voice mail for Michael with all my contact numbers. I would really, really love to get a surgery date before the holidays!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

First cross match test

I worked from home yesterday so I had messages at work today. Both Michael and Sherry had called me from Toronto General. They need my blood. The HLA lab is creating a spot for a cross match test for me. I need to go to the Diagnostic Test Centre on the ground floor between 3 and 4:30 p.m. Monday, December 14, 2009.

The lab will be able to process and have the results by the New Year. There is already a first draft for the surgeries however Sherry indicated they want to have everything nailed down the week of the 21st. I hope to hear my new surgery date before we head to New Brunswick for Christmas holidays!

There will be a 2nd cross match test 1 week before the surgery to double-check compatibility.

Sherry mentioned she noticed my 40th birthday is next week; hers is 2 days later on December 20 and she'll be 50. :)

What is cross matching? from www.giftoflife.on.ca
This important blood test is performed to further determine compatibility between donor and recipient. White blood cells from the donor are mixed with blood from the recipient. If the donor's white blood cells are attacked and killed, this is known as a "positive" cross match and indicates that the donor and recipient are not compatible. A "negative" cross match, on the other hand, indicates that surgery can proceed.

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

My photo
I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.