Wednesday, November 3, 2010

tibialis posterior tendinitis

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 - 20+ weeks post-op

I sprained my foot. It was a really stupid incident but I know a brilliant master of physio therapy. Or physical therapy. Either one he performed 5 different physio treatments on me 3 days in a row.

It happened Saturday night just before bed. I couldn't walk all day Sunday so worked from home Monday then finally called around 2:30 p.m. I got in by 3 and had the following:

Day 1

1. ultrasound - tough on the tissues, feels like electricity running through you or else your foot is on fire

2. magnet therapy where it seems nothing is happening for 20 minutes
3. soak in very hot bubbling water for 20 minutes
4. hop on a bicycle for 15 minutes
5. get on a balance ball, low to the ground, and I have to step on the outside of the wooden circle, and point my toes together FORWARD then point my heels BACK - and forth. And back and forth. It was tough!

Day 2

Same deal - both sessions last 90 minutes. At the beginning I said I was about 40% better. After therapy he said to walk on it, so I did but by the end of the day I cannot walk on the sprained foot.

Day 3

I can get out of bed and go to the toilet without hobbling! It is still sore but I can almost put my heel down to walk. An hour-long session of therapies and I feel no pain on the balance ball in the end. I can walk nearly 'normal'. I am happy and declare no more sessions required.

It is still sore to walk on so I'll take it slow but I will definitely be going downtown tomorrow. I'm going a little stir crazy at home.

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.