Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I called Sherry at 3:10 p.m. Today is the day they see what matches come out of the registry. She said it hasn't happened yet. Donors and recipients can still be entered into the database up to midnight tonight. At that time the computer system does the scan for donor/recipient pairs. She said Michael will let me know as soon as he knows something.

Monday, October 19, 2009

National LDPE update

I called Sherry Young because I was curious where everything stands. Every few months, a few transplant hospitals across Canada aim to clear as many donors and recipients and enter them into the Living Donor Paired Exchange Registry. The HLA lab enters the tissue typing for everybody then a date is selected when a check is run on the national database for matches.

I'm already on the list! Sherry tells me Dr. Richardson cleared me as Category "A" - whatever that means but she said it was "good". :)

When I was cleared in August, the next run was supposed to be September 28th but it has been pushed out till October 28th. Michael Garrels is back from vacation next week too so I will hear more then.

More Info: HLA stands for human leukocyte antigen, a group of proteins present on the surface of all cells on the human body.

HLA matching is an essential step before an allogeneic transplant.

Click here for more info on HLA in transplants

Sherry Young

416-340-4800 x 6775
Assistant to Michael Garrels
Transplant Assessment Office
M-F 8-3:30 p.m.

Would you consider being a living kidney donor?


About Me

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I married Lorne on Saturday, August 13, 2005. Our children Benjamin and Brittany live with us and our 3 dogs Bailey, Rex, Leo, and Molly the cat.